YOU HAVE NO RIGHTS - George Carlin


George Carlin - Conspiracy Theorists. I guess he knew about the crashing dollar.

Category:  Comedy
George  Carlin  Conspiracy  Obama  Theorists  Ron  Paul  Faul  Oswald  JFK  Icke  Reptilian  Lenny  Bruce  Socialism  communist  google  manoftruth  george4title  Shapeshifter 

How George Carlin deals with Globalism (NWO) . I guess he knew about the crashing dollar.

Category:  Education
George  Carlin  Globalism  New  World  Order  Bush  Obama  WWIII  Bill  Hicks  foxnews  elvis  drudge  communist  Dollar  great  depression  layoffs 

Carlin on left-wing paternalism, political correctness, and human culture in general.

From the Opie & Anthony show.
Category:  Comedy
george  carlin  left  wing  leftwing  liberal  paternalism  white  pc  conservative  society  opie  anthony  jim  norton 

This material belongs to HBO and is used here under fair use law.
Pass this on! If there were any video worthy of being passed on it's this one! And while you're at it. Help take back our Country!! Stop saying how bad things are and do something about it. You do have a voice in your Government!

Category:  News & Politics
George  Carlin  Political  Grassroots  Outreach 

P.S. Do Something!!

Remember George Carlin

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